Sunday, July 7, 2024

Piston Aviation Holds Intro to Flight Event at St. Louis Regional Airport

By Carmelo Turdo
Piston Aviation held an Intro to Flight event June 30 at their St. Louis Regional Airport location. The open house offered a day of food and fun that also included discovery flight opportunities for first-time flyers. Nineteen discovery flights were scheduled using the Bristell LSA, Piper Cherokee and Beech Musketeer fleet training aircraft flown by staff Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs).

Piston Aviation provides flight instruction from Sport Pilot and Private Pilot to Instrument, Commercial and CFI certificates and ratings. They began operations at Creve Coeur Airport in 2022 and expanded to St. Louis Regional Airport in March of this year. Piston Aviation's fleet has diversified to accommodate the growing student base and high demand for time-building rental aircraft. This newly-renovated facility provides access for flight students from the northern Metro-East Illinois area.

The Aero Experience coverage of the Intro to Flight event includes this look at guests arriving at the Piston Aviation pilot briefing and lounge area along with the discovery flights operating from the apron just outside.  

The Aero Experience thanks Piston Aviation for hosting this Intro to Flight event, and we hope that those taking discovery flights had an enjoyable and educational experience. Contact Piston Aviation for more information on flight training and aircraft rental at the Creve Coeur Airport and St. Louis Regional Airport locations.

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