Sunday, January 26, 2014

Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show Hosts Learn to Fly Day

By Carmelo Turdo
The Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show (MACTS) continued today with 
day two of the Flight Instructors Revalidation Clinic and the annual Learn to Fly Day activities, all sponsored by the Greater St. Louis Flight Instructors Association (GSLFIA). The second day of the MACTS traditionally features exhibits that encourage youth to experience aviation through flight simulation and interaction with pilots of many types of aircraft. This year, the flight simulators were provided by Mike Saettele of St. Louis Flight Simulator, and Scott Olson brought in his 1:2 scale Edge aerobatic radio-control aircraft. Many of the exhibitors from yesterday's trade show remained through the day to greet visitors and introduce their services. Here are some scenes from today's Learn to Fly Day.

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