Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Little Egypt Fly-In a Fall Tradition at Mount Vernon Outland Airport

By Carmelo Turdo
The 16th Annual Little Egypt Fly-In was held Saturday at Mount Vernon Outland Airport in south central Illinois. 
 A wide variety of aircraft were on the ramp and in the air, and the local EAA chapter provided Young Eagle Flights to youth 8-17 years old during most of the day.  Aircraft from the Illinois Air and Army National Guard units were present, along with the MO Wing Commemorative Air Force B-25 Mitchell Show Me, a variety of light sport and homebuilt aircraft, a North American SNJ-5 Texan warbird, and an Aero L-29 Delfin jet trainer from the ex-Soviet Union. Pilot Kevin Kegin gave rides in his 1941 Waco UPF-7 biplane, and a Bell Jet Ranger crew gave rides to veterans throughout the day. If you missed this year's fly-in, you can experience it with us.  Don't miss it next year!

Special thanks to Airport Manager Chris Collins and his staff for yet another well-executed event at Mount Vernon Outland Airport.

EAA Chapter 1155 provided Young Eagles airplane rides for youth

Illinois National Guard Aircraft were on display

Missouri Wing Commemorative Air Force B-25J Mitchell flew

Stan Williams' SNJ-5 Texan warbird arrives for display



The Freemans brought their Aero Vodochody L-29 Delfin Cold War jet trainer



A wide variety of other aircraft were present at the fly-in


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