By Carmelo Turdo |
The Cape Girardeau Regional Air Festival has emerged as a Midwest Aviation success story this weekend. Facing some difficulty following the cancellation of military demo teams and aircraft static displays, airshow organizers went to the Midwest Aviation community for assistance. The result is a family-friendly event that honors our nation's veterans while providing aerial entertainment from leading regional and nationally recognized airshow performers.
The Friday evening and Saturday afternoon airshows featured incredible aerobatics from Kent Pietsch in his Interstate Cadet, Wayne Roberts in his Extra, Patrick McAlee in his Pitts Special, the Aerostars, Randy Ball in the afterburning MiG-17, Bill Leff in his AT-6G Texan, and fiery blasts from Paul Stender's jet School Bus as he drove it like a dragster down the runway. Aircraft static displays included AZ CAF B-25 MAID in the SHADE, Eric Downing's EA-1E Skyraider and T-6 Texan in South African colors, and the Radial Rocket. Activities on the ramp included the USTA SmashZone Mobile Tour, U.S. Air Force Rapid Strike Simulator and the Tuskegee Airmen Exhibit, among others. In this first of a series of features, we present an overview of this weekend's event. Future posts will present individual performers and insights from Airport Manager, Bruce Loy.