Fred Harl and Carmelo Turdo |
The EAA's Young Eagle Program reached an historic milestone at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016 - the two millionth Young Eagle was flown during a ceremonial flight Thursday afternoon. The program, founded in 1992, provides youth 8-17 years old the opportunity to experience flight through the volunteer efforts of local EAA chapter members. EAA chapters conduct Young Eagle flight events regularly at local airports during the good weather flying months throughout the U.S. These events can be found on the EAA Young Eagles Schedule website.
The commemorative flight was conducted along with several other Young Eagle flights on the overcast and drizzly Thursday afternoon. Four flights were given in rapid succession:
No. 1,999,998: Pilot Jeff Skiles (Copilot on Miracle on the Hudson jet) flew Braeden Edbert (10) of LaValle, WI
No. 1,999,999: Pilot Sean Tucker flew Owen Wrolstad (13) of Oshkosh, WI
No. 2,000,000: Pilot Harrison Ford flew Jodie Gawthrop (16) of Westchester, IL
No. 2,000,001: Pilot Fred Stadler (6,500 YE flight veteran) flew Annalee Wrolstad (11) of Oshkosh, WI
Coverage of the Young Eagle flights was very challenging, as the non-EAA media was kept out of the immediate area of the aircraft as they prepared for the flight. We apologize to Jeff Skiles and Braeden Edbert for not providing photos of their flight due to lack of access.