Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Aero Experience Week In Review: Aviation Community Looks to the Future, Salutes the Past

By Carmelo Turdo
The Aero Experience looks back on another great week in the Midwest Aviation Community. The two events featured here occurred on Saturday, August 13, at two St. Louis area airports. Our theme this week includes a program to educate the next generation about aviation along with the occasion to honor one of our own who came before us, and upon whose shoulders we stand. Generational transition is not always easy, and it takes great effort and leadership to navigate through the process. We salute those who are laboring to promote the Midwest aviation legacy into the future.

Spirit of St. Louis Airport, Chesterfield, MO

On Saturday morning, Wings of Hope hosted a group of Girl Scouts for an Intro to Drones activity. An abbreviated version of the Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) session of the Soar Into STEM program, Intro to Drones was led by Robert Powell, Education Director for the Challenger Learning Center St. Louis. The middle school-age Scouts learned about the UAV industry and worked in teams to navigate quadcopter drones through an obstacle course using a tablet controller. Along with the STEM educational component, Wings of Hope is involved in developing UAV technology for use in humanitarian programs serving remote locations where it is difficult to deploy conventional aircraft and personnel on a regular basis. For more about Soar Into STEM, see our series from the Spring Session.

Creve Coeur Airport, Maryland Heights, MO

(Stearman Restorers Association graphic)
On Saturday evening, a celebration of life gathering took place at Creve Coeur Airport to honor one of the airport's founding members, Albert I. Stix, III (1936-2020). Family and friends paid tribute to Stix, also known around the airport for cooking the Sunday lunches on the large outdoor grills, penning his thoughts on life and flying his beloved Stearman. Family was important to him, and they returned the sentiment during their brief remarks at the dedication of the new pavilion established in his honor. The Aero Experience came to know Mr. Stix in more recent years, long after the Creve Coeur Airport community was established and flourishing, and we offer this selection of photos from the event in his honor.

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