Monday, September 16, 2024

2024 Midwest Aviation Expo: Friday Four-Ship Flight and Exhibitor Review

By Carmelo Turdo
The Sixteenth Annual Midwest LSA Expo, now known as the Midwest Aviation Expo, was held September 5-7 at Mount Vernon, IL Outland Airport. A variety of light sport aircraft brands were on exhibit, including the Bristell 912 and the Tomark Aero Viper provided by our sponsor, Piston Aviation.

Mount Vernon Outland Airport is a great venue for the Midwest Aviation Expo, offering a central location, plenty of apron space for exhibitors and fly-ins, a favorite restaurant and a friendly corps of volunteers who make everyone feel welcome. The Aero Experience coverage continues with a morning Piston Aviation four-ship Bristell/Viper demo flight and a brief review of the exhibitors.

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