By Carmelo Turdo |
The St. Charles Flying Service Open House held at St. Charles County (SMARTT) Airport this weekend brought a variety of aircraft just west of St. Louis for the last local fly-in of 2012. The star of the day, the Missouri CAF B-25J Show Me, flew passengers and later dropped pumpkin cluster bombs as part of the pumpkin drop competition. Aircraft from throughout the area converged on the airport throughout the day, including several Navions, Bonanzas, Aeroncas, a C-47 and other conventional light aircraft. Here are some of the aircraft at the Saturday fly-in:
By Carmelo Turdo |
It's that time of year - mid October - and that means the Sackman Field Fly-In was the place to be on Sunday for the St. Louis Metro East area aviation community. The weather was perfect, and attendance was high for planes, trains and automobiles. A wide variety of general aviation, ultralight, and even rotary winged aircraft were on hand, and most pilots made several trips around the grass strip during the day. If you did not attend this year's fly-in, you can experience it with us. But next time, you must be a part of this Midwest aviation tradition.