Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kaman K-Max Deploys to St. Louis for Some Construction Work

By Mark Nankivil
A Kaman K-MAX (K-1200) crew assisted with some construction work today from a temporary base at Creve Coeur Airport. The K-MAX, operated by Rainier Heli International of Kirkland, WA is often used for heavy lift duties in the construction and logging industries as well as for aerial firefighting operations. It can lift a cargo hook capacity load of 6,000lbs, that being more than it's empty weight. Rainier Heli International, one of the Halvorson Family aviation businesses, also provides helicopter leasing and sales services.

Below is a sequence of photos taken from Creve Coeur Airport this afternoon as the K-MAX took off and went to work.



For coverage of K-MAX fire fighting operations, see an earlier story on The Aero Experience: The Aero Experience In Santa Fe: Airport Visit Yields Surprises.

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