Tuesday, April 30, 2013

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2012: QF-4E Phantom II

By Fred Harl
Over the last decade, aviation enthusiasts and history buffs have been given the opportunity to share a timeless experience: the raw power and performance of the F-4 Phantom II more than two decades after its retirement.  Thanks to U.S. Air Force Ltc. Jerry "Jive" Kerby, then Commander of the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron and first Heritage Flight F-4 pilot, the manned QF-4E is now a regular participant on the airshow circuit.  There's nothing like feeling the earth rumble under the power of the J79 jet engines spitting fire and smoke as the Phantom rolls and rolls and rolls then pops up and speeds out of sight.  The QF-4E at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2012, s/n 74-1638, was fittingly from the 82nd Aerial Target (Detachment 1) at Tyndall AFB, FL.  Here are some views of the aircraft:


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