Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thunder Over Louisville: John Klatt MXS

By The Aero Experience Team
Thunder Over Louisville featured world-class aerobatic performers, including John Klatt in his first show of the season in the MXS sponsored by the Air National Guard. Klatt, a Lt. Colonel in the Minnesota Air National Guard, actively promotes the benefits of military service at events around the country. He has performed at numerous airshows at Fair St. Louis and Scott AFB, flying the Extra EA300L, Staudacher S-300D, and MXS, as well as at other major Midwest airshows over the years. He is now promoting his Screamin' Sasquatch jet Waco due to make its debut this year. The MXS always looks great as it tumbles through the air, and these images from Thunder Over Louisville capture the effect well.

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