The Aero Experience is a celebration of Midwest Aviation and aerospace achievement. We invite you to join us as we tell the story of Midwest Aviation through first-hand, immersive media presentations. Check in with The Aero Experience frequently to see where we land, and then go out and have your own aero experiences!
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Winter Maintenance Session With Airshow Pilot Patrick McAlee of ExtremeFlight
By Carmelo Turdo
Winter time has hit the Midwest and the Christmas season is upon us. We normally think of this period as a kind of off-season for airshows, and it is for the travel and the performing aspects. It is by no means a time to rest, though, as there is much work to be done to prepare for the 2017 airshows. TheAero Experience team caught up with airshow pilot Patrick Mcalee of ExtremeFlight as he began his winter maintenance tasks at his plane's home base, Washington Regional Airport, southwest of St. Louis. He's just getting started, checking the airframe and doing some minor engine work. It looks like both plane and pilot will be in great condition for the upcoming 2017 airshow season!
Check out Patrick's website and learn more about this great Midwest Aviation ambassador. The Aero Experience will cover more behind the scenes activities and of course the exciting airshow performances from the ExtremeFlight team. Here are some views and a short video of our visit on Thursday.
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