Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Boeing Flies F-15SA From St. Louis Today in Preparation for Next Phase of Flight Testing

The Aero Experience Exclusive!

The Boeing Company flew the F-15SA (Saudi Advanced) Eagle today from its facility in St. Louis, Missouri.  The aircraft, accompanied by a Boeing Super Hornet chase plane, took off from Lambert-St. Louis International Airport just after 2pm and landed an hour later.  The flight is the first of a series of test flights to be conducted from St. Louis prior to the aircraft flying to Palmdale, CA for further test flights.  The crew reported that the aircraft (SA-2) handled as expected, and more flights are planned with all three test aircraft this month. 
The Aero Experience was there to capture the takeoff and landing of the F-15SA and its Super Hornet chase plane: 

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