Saturday, October 5, 2013

Greenville Airstravaganza Brings Community Together, Tempts Mother Nature

By The Aero Experience Team
The Greenville, IL Airstravaganza got off to a great start Saturday morning, with aircraft on the ramp, cars in the field, and hot dogs on the grill. The airport community came together to show off their aircraft and lend their hospitality to visitors, including The Aero Experience contributors Carmelo Turdo and Mark Nankivil. Some visitors purchased rides in our friend Kevin Kegin's Waco UPF-7 biplane. The gathering crowd was treated to several fly-overs by four locally-based T-34 Mentor trainers as they browsed among the aircraft on the ramp.  An outstanding display of flying model aircraft was set up in the hangar, and lunch was available for a nominal price. The activity proceeded from about 9am to noon, and then the sky opened up and the downpour came. Many visitors cut their visit short after that, but most appeared to have enjoyed the experience while they could. The Aero Experience made new friends, and reconnected with old ones, during our morning hours in Greenville before departing on further adventures to be aired later. We would like to thank everyone, especially Larry Frey, Kevin KeginSherry Schaefer and many others who volunteered their time to provide a fun and safe event.

Rides Were Available in Cessna 172 and Waco UPF-7

Four T-34s Flew Several Times Before the Rains Arrived


The Rains Came, and Some Aircraft Departed the Airport Between Showers

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