Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Brian "Brain" Kissinger Record-Breaking Flight Planned to Help Homeless Veterans

Brian "Brain" Kissinger
By Carmelo Turdo
is planning a record-breaking flight to raise awareness of, and provide assistance to, homeless veterans in the St. Louis area. Brian and his support crew are veterans and see this flight as an opportunity to help brothers and sisters in arms who need help coping with daily life on the streets. "This flight is to raise awareness for the Joseph's Center and hoping to give them (homeless veterans) some hope, some money to help them gain self-sufficiency," Brian said this morning while taking time out from working on his aircraft.  He raises funds through his non-denominational ministry, Pax et Amor, that serves homeless veterans and cancer survivors (Brian has survived two bouts of brain cancer). Please visit and please give generously to support Brian's ministry outreach efforts. 

Brian "Brain" Kissinger poses with the Sonerai aircraft he flies

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