Monday, June 25, 2012

Ercoupe Owner's Club National Convention Descends on Mount Vernon Outland Airport, IL

By Carmelo Turdo
The Ercoupe Owners Club Convention was held at Mount Vernon Outland Airport, IL June 21-24. Ercoupes of all colors and stripes, including some later Forney F-1 models, converged on Mount Vernon from all over the country.  Pilots attending the convention had plenty of time to explore the area sites after club business was conducted, including flyouts to nearby locations.  Local flying and a friendly spot-landing competition on Saturday kept many Ercoupes in motion throughout the day.  All of the pilots we met were very congenial and willing to share their stories - a very classy group of aviators.

Special thanks to Mr. Larry Snyder of the Ercoupe Owners Club and Mr. Chris Collins, Mount Vernon Outland Airport Director, for their assistance in making our visit a pleasant one.


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