The Aero Experience Recognizes The Value of Teamwork At Mount Vernon Outland Airport
By Carmelo Turdo |
The management and staff of Mount Vernon Outland Airport, IL were recognized Tuesday for demonstrating outstanding teamwork in 2012. Chris Collins, Airport Manager, was given a framed print of "Teamwork," a photo depicting the pilot and crew chief atop their P-38 Lightning fighter preparing for an early morning flight, on behalf of The Aero Experience. The image captures the dedication of one crewman to another in support of a larger objective, and thus reflects the relationship between Mount Vernon Outland Airport management, businesses at the airport, and the numerous volunteer organizations that make it possible for the airport to contribute nearly $19 million to the local economy. During the annual holiday celebration, Collins reviewed the many accomplishments of the airport team in 2012, and recognized members of the team with certificates of appreciation for outstanding service.
For more information, please visit In recent years, The Aero Experience has provided media support for events at Mount Vernon Outland Airport, and we again thank Chris Collins and the airport staff for the opportunity to contribute to their success.
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