Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Flying With The Aero Experience: Around the Patch in a Taylorcraft

By Carmelo Turdo
This edition of Flying With The Aero Experience looks back at the Pancake Breakfast and Fly-In held at the Flying Dutchman Airport in Belleville, IL in April of 2014.  A variety of general aviation aircraft, vintage planes, Robinson helicopters and even a sailplane from the St. Louis Sailplane Association were on the field.  Several flew passengers around the pattern between the pancake breakfast and lunch.  The Aero Experience was there to meet with local pilots and take a trip around the patch in the vintage Taylorcraft with pilot Brian Kissinger.     

The Aero Experience: Carmelo Turdo
Pilot: Brian Kissinger
Aircraft: 1946 Taylorcraft BC-12D

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