Monday, June 11, 2018

The Aero Experience Midwest Aviation Week In Review: From Antiques to Aerobatics

By Carmelo Turdo
Midwest Aviation activity is heating up with the summer temperatures, and The Aero Experience is in the air and on the road bringing you our best possible coverage. This week in review features a sample of recent activity, showing the positive impact Midwest Aviation has on our communities. As always, we hope you are inspired to experience aviation first-hand, and whenever possible, share that experience with others!

Stearman Flight Formation Clinic, Creve Coeur Airport

As many as twelve different World War II-era Stearman trainers could be seen in the air around Creve Coeur Airport June 1-3 during the Stearman Flight Formation Clinic. Stearman pilots from around the region participated in formation flight training in this nationally-recognized program.


American Waco Club Fly-In, Creve Coeur Airport

Creve Coeur Airport again hosted the annual American Waco Club Fly-In June 7-9. Home to many Waco aircraft and the Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum, the airport is the ideal place to witness Waco and other antique aircraft on this and many other weekends throughout the year. Here we feature some arrivals on Friday.

St. Louis Science Center Flight Academy Camp, Elite Aviation

For the second year, Elite Aviation hosted St. Louis Science Center Flight Academy campers for their orientation flights from Spirit of St. Louis Airport June 8. Campers received practical experience in aircraft operation by participating in the pre-flight inspection and flying with Elite Aviation's Certified Flight Instructors. Another Flight Academy visit will be held in July.

Giles Henderson Memorial Challenge Aerobatic Contest, Salem-Leckrone Airport

The 2018 edition of the longest-running IAC aerobatic contest was held at Salem-Leckrone Airport in Illinois June 9-10. Renamed the Giles Henderson Memorial Challenge, the competition featured 15 aircraft, including a Super Decathlon used by the University of South Dakota Aerobatics Team. A special visit by U.S. Aerobatic Advanced Team members Aaron McCartan and Michael Lents capped off Sunday's activities.

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