The Aero Experience is a celebration of Midwest Aviation and aerospace achievement. We invite you to join us as we tell the story of Midwest Aviation through first-hand, immersive media presentations. Check in with The Aero Experience frequently to see where we land, and then go out and have your own aero experiences!
Monday, October 12, 2015
2015 Memphis Airshow, Part 3: Thunderbirds - Walk Up to Wave Off
By Leo Cachet
The Aero Experience will wrap up our coverage of this year's great Memphis Airshow with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds jet demonstration team. Due to my position on the ramp, I was able to capture some very unique shots of the Thunderbirds as they prepared to take off into the beautiful Memphis sky. I was very happy to be able to move about to capture the images you see here. The airshow staff along with the Thunderbirds crew and pilots deserve a big thank you for allowing The Aero Experience the access I had. From walk up until they taxied to park after their performance, it was very entertaining to see what goes into a precision jet demonstration. I do believe I might have lost a little of my hearing being only about fifty feet away from six F-16's with their engines running - but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
The Aero Experience would like to thank the Memphis Airshow organizers, especially John Sumner, for all of his hard work and hospitality while I was there. Also, a big thank you to all of the performers for what you do. And last, but certainly not least, all the volunteers who give of their time for the good of aviation - a show this great could not happen if any of the aforementioned were not present. Well done Memphis! We are looking very forward to another great show in 2016.
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